Cancel Domain Policy
When you purchase (or transfer) a domain through, you will not be able to cancel. All sales are final and non-refundable; fees will not be refunded if your registration is cancelled, terminated or suspended for any reason. We may evaluate special requests on an individual basis but only if query is submitted within 2 days from the date of purchase.
However, you can change the auto-renewal settings (or Contact support for assistance) so that you will not be charged after your subscription expires.
After your subscription expires, there is no guarantee that the domain will become available to register somewhere else. You may not be able to get it back.
Please note: Refunds are not available on cancellation/deletion for .eu, .be and AFNIC domains .fr, .re, .yt, .pm, .wf and .tf.
Using Other Web Host Providers
The Name Servers for your domain control where traffic for the domain is directed. If your domain was registered through, you may change the Name Servers to point to another web hosting provider at any time.
Transfer a Domain to another Registrar
If you would like to completely transfer your domain to another registrar.
ICANN regulations prohibit transferring domain names (except .au) that were registered or previously transferred in the last 60 days. For more information please read ICANN Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars.