How To Update Vehicle Classes on Car Rental Website
We have made it very easy to display your vehicle classes on your car rental website by dynamically retrieving your vehicle classes data directly from HQ Rental Software (HQ).
By dynamically retrieving your vehicle classes, we save you lots of time and the tedious task of manually updating your website. Now with a simple click of a button, your vehicle classes on your website are updated.
We accomplish this by integrating your website with HQ via their API services. To help improve your website’s overall performance and not overwhelm HQ services (with each page load from your website). The vehicle classes data is cached (basically, a copy of the data retrieved is stored and loaded locally from your website instead of from HQ). Therefore, whenever you update your vehicle classes in HQ, you must clear the cache stored on your website to display your new changes made in HQ on your website.
How to clear vehicle classes cache
To clear your website vehicle classes cache, please log into your website’s back end.
You may watch the video or continue reading below.
Then navigate to the main menu on the left and click on the menu item “CBX HQ Rentals.”
Once the page has completed loading, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button “Clear Cache.”
You will now see a pop-up to confirm the vehicle classes cache is cleaned successfully. Now click on the “OK” button to close the pop-up.
Finally, go to your website front end and refresh the page (for example, reload/refresh the vehicles page or the page with your vehicle classes). You should now see your updated vehicle classes content from HQ displayed.